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Welcome to


  Glory           Realm

God’s Glory and His Grace Center

2nd Corinthians


But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord.



Evangelism by any means necessary: One Person, One House, One Community, One City, One State, One Country, One World- God’s Way!

General Ministry Goals


Establish ministries that empower each member to reach their fullest potential spiritually, emotionally, physically, economically and socially.


Establish ministries that elevate each member to spiritual maturity through disciplined biblical teachings.


Establish ministries that equip leaders for ongoing ministries for reaching the lost and hurting, who through frustration with religious practices have left God’s protection.


Establish evangelistic training to reach the un-churched men and women, the homeless, the out cast, and to draw them into a meaningful relationship with Christ so they may fin purpose in their lives.


Empower the young believer for a meaningful ministry by helping them to discover their God given gifts and talents which are to be used for His purpose and glory in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Establish a common positive spiritual training environment for members and non-members to learn more of God’s principles and the importance of personal relationship with Christ.


Establish financial ministries that will empower members to break the stronghold in their lives that cause financial curses.

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