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“The Glory Realm: God’s Glory and His Grace Center” for All People Isaiah 56:7


Church Doctrine of Faith or Covenant of Membership


  • We the founders and members of this Congregation believe and strive to support and live by the following according to our understanding of God's Holy word.

  • We accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and he is acknowledged as the head of The Glory Realm: God’s Glory and His Grace Center Inc.

  • We believe that the Holy bible is the inspired, unquestionable truth of God and that it is the evidence and history of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. God himself inspired holy men of his choice to write through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we might have his truth down through the ages. We accept the bible as the infallible truth of God.

  • We believe that revelation and dispensation of the truth through the Holy Spirit is active more than ever in our time. For as the Judges knew more than the patriarchs, and the prophets more than the judges, then finally apostles saw more truth than the prophets, so God continues to open our eyes, ears and our hearts to the mystery of His word as we continue to learn through the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the second person of the trinity, who was God incarnate in the flesh, born of a virgin, died on the cross and was resurrected that we might have an opportunity to life eternal. This eternal gift of life can only be obtained through a born again experience. We believe that if we say we are born again, then we should demonstrate the fruit of the Holy Spirit which is evidence of our change and the light of God.

  • We believe that the sinner must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior and ask Him to be savior of their life, giving control of their life to Christ. We recognize that one does not give their life to be controlled by man, but out of obedience to their duty will abide by the rules of this organization as determined to be holy and of the scriptures of the Holy Bible. A repented sinner is a new creature in Christ, old things are passed away, and all things are become new. Once redeemed we have received reconciliation and are ambassadors of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5: 17 -6: 1)

  • We believe that Salvation is determined by one's personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe by the word of God that. Holiness is the highest calling of man and is a very necessary factor in obtaining eternal salvation. The word of God says that God is Holy and he requires holiness (Revelation 22: 11; Revelation 15:4), therefore we should strive to live holy (Ephesians 1:4; Ephesians 5:27). We believe when you fall away from grace you have lost salvation, and need to be redeemed back to Christ. The word also says when one falls they should be restored back to· Christ (2 Peter 3:9; Hebrews 6:6). We believe that any fallen sister or brother should be restored back to their relationship through prayer, instruction and love, which should lead to true repentance. Open repentance maybe a necessary act when sinful acts are committed toward or outwardly in the church. Repentance is asking for forgiveness and turning from that sinful act.

  • We believe that we cannot partake in the behavior of the disorderly, yet in love that we are responsible for helping them to recognize the sin in their lives through the teaching of God's word and love. We believe that God's people are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and peculiar people (Acts 1:8).

  • We believe in unity and fellowship which is developed through the faithful assembly of ourselves as a body of Christ. This is essential to spiritual growth (Hebrews 10:24-25). We hold to keeping a common place of worship for the instruction of biblical principles.

  • Water baptism is an outward sign that one has accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Savior, although we know is does not save anyone (1 Peter 3:21). The scriptures support it and Jesus was baptized as an example for us (Matthew 3: 11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3: 16; John 1:26)

  • We believe that Baptism by the Holy Spirit is necessary to keep us in a state of striving for holiness until Jesus' return. We need the Holy Spirit for he is the spirit of holiness (Romans 1:4) that keeps us.

  • We believe in fasting as demonstrated by the great prophets and as Jesus Christ showed us in his example during his life on earth. Fasting empowers the body of Christ and gives power to fight off the enemy, along with deliverance from demonic oppression. We recognize that there are different kinds of fasts and that every individual fasts according to their levels of maturity. Faithful fasting leads to spiritual maturity~ which leads to a more mature fasting.

  • We believe that we grow in grace as well as the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This knowledge brings us into unity with each other and Christ (2 Peter 3: 18) working in us a perfection, yet knowing too that this is a continual process only to reach its final step of completion upon His return. We know that it is beneficial for us to desire the sincere (truth) milk of His Holy word that our growth may be continual (1 Peter 2:21)

  • We believe in observing the Holy Communion in remembrance of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 11:26-33). We believe the individual should be of the cognitive level of understanding as whom Jesus is, understanding that He died, and why He died along with the meaning of living holy before baptism~

  • We believe in and are committed to the faithful study of God's word. The word of God should dwell in us rightly, teaching and admonishing the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We believe that structured study of basic bible principles is essential for new believers or converts. Bible Basics exposes the new believer to the basic or fundamental principles of salvation, and serves as the instrument to propel individuals toward their ministry in Christ. Baptism shall not be exercised for anyone who has never accepted Jesus as their personal Savior before this conversion until completion of the new class of study.

  • We believe that every individual is called to serve in an area of ministry consistent with his/her gifts and inherent talents, and that an accompanying anointing resides within the individual to fulfill that call. It is therefore, not the responsibility of the church to call individuals into the ministry, but rather to recognize the calling on their lives and provide the spiritual authority and covering to release that call in keeping with the ordinance of the scriptures. This "recognition" of the call is signified by the public laying on of hands in the presence of witnesses.

  • We believe that ministers are appointed to function for service to the Lord in this house after faithful demonstration though study, proven attendance in church, and faithfulness in basic duties as determined of all Christians. Every minister must study to fulfill their purpose in leading God's people (2 Timothy 2:15). Those who serve God’s, people must show dedication and commitment before being appointed to a ministerial position (1 Timothy 5:22). All servants of the Lord should operate in humility (Romans 12:1-18)

  • We believe in tithing and giving of offerings. The work of God must prevail and reach all people. This cannot happen except we remain faithful in our tithes and offerings. We believe the tithes and offering are given for the support and building up of God's people (the church) and not just through the deliverance of the word but through assistance 'and training for a better holy lifestyle.

  • We believe in the five fold ministry as given in Ephesians 4. We accept instruction to follow in the demonstration of the ministry as given for the up­ building of God's church until He comes. We believe that the church needs all the offices to become and remain a healthy church. All gifts have their special place and importance and no gift is greater that the other in the role it plays in the church. All gifts work in unity for the primary purpose of the building of the church. We do believe that love is the best gift (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). We therefore strive to serve each other in love and in humility.

  • We believe that we are called to be servants called unto holiness and saved through grace; however grace is not an excuse to sin.

  • We believe in the laying on of hands for the healing and impartation of the gifts through the spirit of the Lord.

  • We believe in caring for the poor, homeless and the less fortunate, in caring for members as well as for those in the community in need. We believe that the body of Christ should support the needs of the shepherd of the church, for the bible says the shepherd is worthy of their hire. We will always keep in remembrance those who labor among us (Colossians 3:15-16).

  • W believe in hell and eternal retribution. The one who physically dies in his sins without accepting Christ is hopelessly and eternally lost in the lake of fire and therefore has no further opportunity of hearing the gospel of repentance. The lake of fire is eternal (Hebrew 9:27).

  • We as a church believe in and supports marriage between a biological male and female. We in no form support or condone incestuous relationships (Leviticus 18:6-24) nor homosexual relationships. We believe that the family is the highest order of God and it should be kept holy and reverent unto God. While we do not condone the act we love all people as creations of God.

  • We do not support or practice the drinking of Alcoholic beverages as stated in the bible (1 Corinthians 6:9-10: Ephesians 5:18, Proverbs 20:1).  

  • We do not support spousal abuse whether it is verbal, physical, or financial (Ephesians 5:28-29, Ephesians 4:31, Colossians 3:19, 1 Peter 3:7).

  • We do not support tattooing of the body. It is understood if you have come from the world into the body of Christ. However, once you are redeemed you should refrain (Leviticus 19:28).

  • We do not support or practice smoking. Smoking has been proven to damage the heart and lungs. Moreover, in 1Corithians 6:19-20 states; “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?’ Smoking is dishonoring the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit cannot swell in unclean places.

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